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major server upgrades / actualización importante
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: jones lucy lumumba magon mandela marx menchu molina proudhon rivera rodolpho rose rushdie slaapbeen sojourner stokely stone stoney tresca viewsic wolf yippie Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2014-04-05 11:00 am - 11:00 pm America/New_York Date/Fecha: 2014-04-03 The support team is planning the upgrade of our servers from Debian 6 to Debian 7, which has important implications for your web sites. The people responsible for maintaining your sites should ensure that your web software will be compatible with PHP 5.4. Failure to ensure compatibility may result in your web site failing to work properly. For more detailed information, please see https://support.mayfirst.org/wiki/squeeze-wheezy-mosh-upgrade - --- El equipo de soporte ha programado la actualización del conjunto de servidores, éstos pasarán del Sistema Operativo Debian 6 a Debian 7, lo cual implica que los responsables del mantenimiento de cada sitio web deberán asegurarse de que el software que usan sea compatible con PHP 5.4. De lo contrario, sus sitios web se verán afectados y podrían quedar inhabilitados. Para obtener información más detallada, consulte https://support.mayfirst.org/wiki/squeeze-wheezy-mosh-upgrade -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJTPbblAAoJEKAUwFpge3U15uQP/1XWJMBumbUk2b3gKdCY9b8I SBspssSwiDyFh8XyHNFMt0K2CIIeOzgbKEaNhD7etW1ENSy6xeGHk+JXuz3QkZLF EfWnrl7LjHD/oM6OijEJP5RMK5NUGKxRQkT5ZD/9TJKImTp6JBquFHIH+lUBqUYf lowR0chr6oHvfezwt0eWtiVeVcs3MtAgNFEClW60bB4efTVetx8hzeFvPrdJ8aCg ZVke9jaK3ln7OtIQUc5yqFIRrpJiTpg/5PSw5VGNIlON3VhR8O+fCd36B90zRQOU g7qTTEN/U4FIePiv2i8krmt5HxatkyjHcaKbUFUs4Kzpzy5SX0DbbR6L7ccu+pUp WCvUtU6n9UZAc1Hs2Ll6hfbekf8DahRGQJ5Gtxue48twOVAnu4JcvVGp6Q8KY/og WfoAeinSzz+Q/zjdThHkEYmy8nEJLJqDZFyEozI5hldhh6V+SA9DtJEA7pABHax2 95XICRAx1eisuHEhAVpPLetnyfuDqrN6go+5tX9qHJxwYEhsfkeEV93ypy93Drwc 9pKuQfXqu+xk+dHVFl9T/R+6DlN7taj11eWeWPDxJpWkOUsH3xwJkNZXiiMXXjYp yjwcTqYk0G1VqhWQtmnnY/rk5t4kVRnhcUgpMLo7Akio4/kwTh1cxoZ+Gaexz8B/ JlaUkkAt93i73zmmRCZK =wEP2 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----