Welcome to the May First Movement Technology Status Page
Please see below for any known interuptions to our service. If you are experiencing a problem not listed here, please open a support ticket.
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- outage in XO facilityTue Jun 10 06:27:13 EDT 2014-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
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Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: achebe acholonu annette augusto axiom barghouti braschi chelsea chun clara cleveland clr colin cortazar daza deadeasy didier eagle ekpo ernesto franz fuentes gabriela gaspar goldman hammer iz jacobo julia june kerr kinoy kramer kwame llosa lucy luisa malaka malvina mcchesney molina moses mx1 mx24 mx25 mx3 neruda nicolas octavia ottorene paul paulo pietri poniatowska ramona rodolpho roque rossi roy rulfo rushdie sankara simone sojourner swartz victoria wole
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2014-06-10 4:30 am America/New_York 4:30 am -
Date/Fecha: 2014-06-10
We are currently experiencing an outage in our XO facility affecting about 50%
of our sites. We are working on fixing the problem and will keep you updated.
... - Scheduled Work / Trabajo planificadoSat Jun 7 18:11:09 EDT 2014-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: hun clr robideau algernon che daza fuller moses rodolpho sankara slaapbeen viewsic zimmermann hay ottorene yser
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2014-06-08 00:00-02:00 America/New_York
Date/Fecha: 2014-06-07
The server or servers listed above are being rebooted.
During the down period, you will not be able to use any services provided by... - brief downtime due to maintenance / breve interrupción para mantenimientoMon Jun 2 08:55:28 EDT 2014-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: albizu algernon allende amaru annapurna assata asturias banksy barron baubo binh blanco boggs bola bolivar borges bouazizi brown buffy cero chavez clyde debs diego dolores donoso dorfman dorothy douglass florence foucault fred fuller gil goofball hashmi hay herman howard iz jones juana kahlo keller ken kiyoshi leslie lewis lima lora lucius lumumba magon malcolm mandela marquez marx menchu mirabal morales moses negri octavia ossie parsi pauline peltier proudhon puig ranciere randolph revueltas rivera robideau roe rose rustin severo soledad stallman stokely stone stoney tenayuca toussaint tresca viewsic vilma wolf woodhull yippie yser zimmermann
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2014-06-03 1:00 am - 1:05 am America/New York
Date/Fecha: 2014-06-02
Our upstream provider has notified us about maintenance on the switch affecting
about 50% of our infrastructure. It will happen at 1:00 am America/New_York and
will last less than 5 minutes.... - Emergency Reboot / Trabajo de EmergenciaFri May 16 11:16:53 CDT 2014-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
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Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: ossie
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2014-05-16 12:16 PM America/New York
Date/Fecha: 2014-05-16
The server or servers listed above are being rebooted.
During the down period, you will not be able to use any services provided by... - Scheduled Work / Trabajo planificadoThu May 15 14:49:18 CDT 2014-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA1
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: negri clyde algernon bouazizi dorothy hay malcolm proudhon ranciere
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2014-05-16 23:00-23:59 America/New York
Date/Fecha: 2014-05-15
The server or servers listed above are being rebooted.
During the down period, you will not be able to use any services provided by... - yahoo and mailing lists / yahoo y Listas de CorreoSat Apr 19 18:11:11 EDT 2014-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: leslie assata rustin cleveland
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2014-04-19 -
Date/Fecha: 2014-04-19
We are modifying messages sent to our email list servers from
Yahoo email addresses - we are re-writing the From address to be from a
mayfirst.org email account rather than the original yahoo address.... - Important security message: Heart Bleed / Mensaje de seguridad importante: Corazón sangranteWed Apr 9 15:53:25 EDT 2014-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512
Date/Fecha: 2014-04-09
Please see our message to all members regarding the recently discovered crypto
... - major server upgrades / actualización importanteThu Apr 3 15:30:43 EDT 2014-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: jones lucy lumumba magon mandela marx menchu molina proudhon rivera rodolpho rose rushdie slaapbeen sojourner stokely stone stoney tresca viewsic wolf yippie
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2014-04-05 11:00 am - 11:00 pm America/New_York
Date/Fecha: 2014-04-03
The support team is planning the upgrade of our servers from Debian 6 to Debian
7, which has important implications for your web sites. The people responsible
for maintaining your sites should ensure that your web software will be... - major server upgrades / actualización importanteSun Feb 23 17:25:27 EST 2014-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: albizu annapurna annette barghouti binh boggs brown buffy chavez clara colin daza debs didier dorothy eagle foucault gaspar goldman hammer julia june kahlo kerr kinoy
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2014-03-01 3:00 pm - 11:59 pm America/New_York
Date/Fecha: 2014-02-23
The support team is planning the upgrade of our servers from Debian 6 to Debian 7, which has important implications for your web sites. The people responsible for maintaining your sites should ensure that your web software will be compatible with PHP 5.4. Failure to ensure compatibility may result in your web site failing to work properly. For more detailed information, please see https://support.mayfirst.org/wiki/squeeze-wheezy-mosh-upgrade
- - --... - Service Outage / Interrupción del servicioMon Feb 10 14:07:21 CST 2014-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA1
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: All Hurricane Electric Servers
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2014-02-10 1:47pm-now America New York
Date/Fecha: 2014-02-10
Due to unexplained packet loss to our Hurricane Electric provider, numerous servers and services
are experiencing down time at the moment. We're currently unsure what has caused the problem,
but we will investigating and hopefully the problem will be resolved soon....