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Please see below for any known interuptions to our service. If you are experiencing a problem not listed here, please open a support ticket.
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- database restore complete / restauración de la base de datos esta completaSat 09 Jul 2022 09:08:03 PM CDT-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados:
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2022-07-09
Date/Fecha: 2022-07-09
We have succeeded in restoring all databases on the networked database server.
Please check your website and contact support if you experience any issues.
... - database restore in progress / restauración de la base de datos en cursoSat Jul 9 08:05:27 PM EDT 2022-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: lumumba.mayfirst.org (database server)
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2022-07-09 1:15 pm America/New_York -
Date/Fecha: 2022-07-09
We had to re-install our network database server and restore all databases from backups.
Fortunately we were able to make dumps of all the databases except one prior to... - networked MySQL database still down / base de datos MySQL en red sigue caidaSat 09 Jul 2022 05:40:49 PM CDT-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: lumumba
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2022-07-09
Date/Fecha: 2022-07-09
We are still attempting to resolve an ongoing problem with our networked MySQL database.
This problem affects any May First member websites using the networked database.
We appreciate your patience while we attempt to resolve this issue as quickly as possible... - network database problems return / vuelven los problemas de la base de datos de la redSat Jul 9 03:34:28 PM EDT 2022-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: lumumba.mayfirst.org (network database server)
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2022-07-09 3:30 pm America/New_York time
Date/Fecha: 2022-07-09
The network database problems have returned and the database is currently down.
We are working on it.
... - downtime for network database server / tiempo de inactividad para el servidor de la base de datos de la redSat Jul 9 02:48:25 PM EDT 2022-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: lumumba.mayfirst.org (shared mysql database server)
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2022-07-09 01:13 pm - 02:41 pm America/New_York
Date/Fecha: 2022-07-09
- From about 1:15 pm to 2:45 pm on Saturday, July 9th, our shared, network
database server was down.
... - emergency work - network db and other servers / trabajo de emergencia - red db y otros servidoresSat Jul 2 08:33:26 PM EDT 2022-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: lumumba (network database server), biko, chavez, chelsea, lena, moses, stokely, trudell, tubman, wells
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2022-07-03 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm America/New_York
Date/Fecha: 2022-07-02
Between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm New York time, on Sunday, July 3rd, we will be
performing emergency maintenance on a physical host to replace a hard drive.
... - control panel and login service maintenance / mantenimiento del panel de control y del servicio de accesoTue May 24 09:52:18 AM EDT 2022-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: members.mayfirst.org, share.mayfirst.org, comment.mayfirst.org, xmpp, support.mayfirst.org
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2022-05-24 11:00 pm - 11:15 pm America/New_York
Date/Fecha: 2022-05-24
We plan to restart our control panel server, which provides our login service
to Nextcloud, Discourse, our Support site and our XMPP chat service.
... - network restored / red restauradaMon Apr 18 06:22:12 PM EDT 2022-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: all
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2022-04-18 5:00 pm - 6:20 pm America/New_York
Date/Fecha: 2022-04-18
Network access has been restored. Our upstream provider reported having a
problem with one of their routers. They performed an emergency upgrade and have
reported that it is up and stable now.... - network outage / interrupción de la redMon Apr 18 05:43:50 PM EDT 2022-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: all
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2022-04-18
Date/Fecha: 2022-04-18
As of about 5:30 pm America/New_York time our, our network is offline. We are
working with our upstream provider to identify and resolve the problem.
... - network instability / inestabilidad de la redMon Apr 18 05:17:46 PM EDT 2022-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: all
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2022-04-18 5:00 pm America/New_York time
Date/Fecha: 2022-04-18
Starting at about 5:00 pm America/New_York time we began experiencing
intermittent network instability.