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Please see below for any known interuptions to our service. If you are experiencing a problem not listed here, please open a support ticket.
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- malcolm stopped responding will be rebooted / malcolm dejado de responder se reiniciaráMon Mar 4 11:26:52 EST 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
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Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: malcolm
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-03-04 11:15 - 11:30AM EST
Date/Fecha: 2013-03-04
The server malcolm stopped responding today due to php out of memory errors.
We are working to get it back up and expect the problem to be resolved by 11:30AM - EST.
... - vilma updatesSun Mar 3 02:05:18 EST 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
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Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: gil allende stallman roe hashmi tresca assata stone boggs leslie
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-03-02 10:00 pm - 2013-03-02 2:00 am America/New_York
Date/Fecha: 2013-03-03
vilma and guests are back up. Members of the support team successfully
re-assembled two of the four disks in the redundant array. We plan to sync the
remaining two disks after running diagnostic tests on them.... - problem rebooting vilmaSat Mar 2 22:33:47 EST 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
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Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: gil allende stallman roe hashmi tresca assata stone boggs leslie
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-03-02 10:15 pm America/New_York -
Date/Fecha: 2013-03-02
During routine maintenance of vilma, we experienced disk problems. All guests
on vilma are currently down while we investigate the problem. We will keep you
posted on our progress. We expect at least a few more hours of downtime.... - negri rebootedSat Mar 2 22:14:36 EST 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
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Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: clyde algernon bouazizi dorothy hay malcolm proudhon ranciere
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-03-02 10:00 pm - 10:15 pm
Date/Fecha: 2013-03-02
While performing maintenance in our cabinet, we attempted to secure the power
cable for negri. In te process, the machine was inadvertantly power-cycled,
causing approximately 15 minutes of downtime for all guests on that server. ... - Scheduled Work / Trabajo planificadoSat Mar 2 14:07:34 EST 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
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Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: vilma gil allende stallman roe hashmi tresca assata stone boggs leslie
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-03-02 9:00PM-10:00PM America/New_York
Date/Fecha: 2013-03-02
The server or servers listed above are being rebooted.
During the down period, you will not be able to use any services provided by... - Drupal has been upgraded / Drupal ha sido actualizadoWed Feb 20 17:02:18 EST 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
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Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: albizu annette attucks binh boggs brown
buffy chavez clara colin daza debs didier dorothy eagle foucault gaspar goldman
hashmi jones julia june kerr kinoy lucy lumumba malcolm mandela maria marx
menchu molina proudhon rodolpho roe rose slaapbeen sojourner stokely stone
stoney tresca viewsic yser hay keller lucy peltier
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-02-20 5:00 pm... - XO problems: Update / Problemas XO: ActualizaciónSun Feb 17 01:08:37 EST 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
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Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: achebe annette attucks augusto axiom braschi chun clara cleveland clr colin cortazar daza deadeasy didier eagle ekpo ernesto fela franz fuentes gabriela gaspar goldman goofball jacobo julia june kerr kinoy kramer kwame llosa lucy luisa malaka malvina maria mcchesney molina moses mx1 mx24 mx25 mx3 neruda nicolas ottorene paul paulo pietri poniatowska ramona rodolpho roque rossi roy rulfo sankara simone sojourner victoria wole zimmermann
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-02-16 11:45 pm - 2013-02-17 1:05 am
Date/Fecha: 2013-02-17
Our upstream provider acknowledged that they had a routing problem and reported that they were working on it. After we got off the phone with them, the servers have come back. We are still waiting on a full report, however, all services are working at the moment.
- --... - problems affecting servers in XO location / problemas que afectan a los servidores de ubicación XOSun Feb 17 00:53:35 EST 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
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Servers Affected/Servidores afectados:
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-02-17
Date/Fecha: 2013-02-17
As of approximately 11:45 pm America/New_York time we have lost connectivity with the servers in our XO location. We're investigating the problem and will report back the results when we learn more.
- --... - Scheduled Work / Trabajo planificadoSun Feb 10 11:27:48 EST 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
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Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: rodolpho
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 23:00 EST - 23:30 EST
Date/Fecha: 2013-02-10
The server or servers listed above are being rebooted.
During the down period, you will not be able to use any services provided by... - offsite-backup servers are down / Servidores Fuera-sitio incommunicadoFri Feb 1 02:38:21 EST 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
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Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: fannie ali sittingbull
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-02-01
Date/Fecha: 2013-02-01
The offsite backup servers went offline at around 2013-02-01 01:00-05.
The main physical hosting these machines (sittingbull) had an abrupt
system restart. The cause is not yet known....