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- Scheduled Work / Trabajo planificadoThu May 23 20:50:25 EDT 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA1
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados:
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-05-23
Date/Fecha: 2013-05-23
The server or servers listed above are being rebooted.
florence albizu baldwin binh buffy cero foucault howard jones magon rivera ... - Scheduled Work / Trabajo planificadoSat May 18 14:44:39 EDT 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA1
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: bolivar dolores keller lumumba marx morales toussaint
negri algernon bouazizi clyde dorothy hay malcolm proudhon ranciere
malaka achebe cleveland gaspar goldman kerr kinoy mcchesney molina mx1 mx24 mx25 mx3 paulo swartz
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-05-19 12AM-3AM America/New York
Date/Fecha: 2013-05-18
The server or servers listed above are being rebooted. ... - Scheduled Work / Trabajo planificadoWed May 15 15:48:34 EDT 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA1
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: vilma allende assata boggs gil
hashmi leslie marx roe stallman stone tresca clr daza didier
rodolpho sankara sojourner moses robideau ottorene zimmermann
jacobo robeson june lucy
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-05-17 01:00-03:00AM EST
Date/Fecha: 2013-05-15... - Scheduled Work / Trabajo planificado (dorothy, daza)Fri May 3 15:57:43 EDT 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA1
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: dorothy, daza
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-05-03 11-11:30pm EST
Date/Fecha: 2013-05-03
The server or servers listed above are being rebooted.
During the down period, you will not be able to use any services provided by... - Scheduled Work / Trabajo planificadoFri Apr 26 17:17:00 EDT 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA1
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: julia
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-04-27 12:00AM - 12:15AM
Date/Fecha: 2013-04-26
The server or servers listed above are being rebooted.
During the down period, you will not be able to use any services provided by... - Scheduled Work / Trabajo planificadoWed Apr 17 13:05:27 EDT 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA1
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: mx1
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-04-18 00:00-00:10 EST
Date/Fecha: 2013-04-17
The server or servers listed above are being rebooted.
During the down period, you will not be able to use any services provided by... - Drupal has been upgraded / Drupal ha sido actualizadoMon Apr 15 12:00:15 EDT 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA1
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados:
Date/Fecha: 2013-04-15
All shared Drupal installations have been upgraded to the most recent stable
versions (7.22).
Drupal (http://drupal.org/) is a web content management system that many... - Server Stalled / Servidor rebootSun Apr 14 12:59:06 EDT 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA1
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: malcolm
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-04-14 11:48 EST 13:30 EST
Date/Fecha: 2013-04-14
At 10:45 EST, we discovered that malcolm.mayfirst.org had become unresponsive.
The server was rebooted and is running a disk check which is expected to complete
at approximately 13:30 EST. We are investigating the cause of the crash. ... - Drupal has been upgraded / Drupal ha sido actualizadoSun Mar 24 15:14:09 EDT 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA512
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados:
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-03-24
Date/Fecha: 2013-03-24
All shared Drupal installations have been upgraded to the most recent stable
versions (7.21).
... - Scheduled Work julia reboot / Trabajo planificado juliaFri Mar 8 20:28:20 EST 2013-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
Hash: SHA1
Servers Affected/Servidores afectados: julia
Period Affected/Horas afectadas: 2013-03-08 23:00 - 23:15 America/New York
Date/Fecha: 2013-03-08
The server or servers listed above are being rebooted.
During the down period, you will not be able to use any services provided by...